Minggu, 23 Desember 2012



 Nama : Mutiara Hikmah Hardiyanti
Kelas : 1EB17
NPM : 25212186

Enjoy korean

안녕하세요^^ 여기가 바로 내가 처음 쓴 시간 ㅋㅋ 
This is the first time I wrote a blog about my daily life hehe a little weird and embarrassed, right !

Okay. I really fell in love with Korean language before I loved it first attracted to drama and songs. Then the longer interested in learning the Korean language.

In 2011 I found a Korean language course, call it "Areka center" I joined to become a member and learn in March and I've been following up basic level 2.

I am very happy to meet up with new friends who are very cool and the teachers are so humorous, fun. We learned so excited to be willing to go home tonight and being too cool to talk too hehe
We not only learn the language course but we also had a party to get to know Korean food and we gain a lot of knowledge. 

Uumm .. enough hehe I'll continue it another time. 안녕 Annyeong !~^^ 

1 komentar:

  1. thanks for the information and I liked the look of this website blog ........
